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different search engines + options

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 3:18 pm
by camel
here i explain, how the "search" is working:

on tab "Phone":
it is searching in contact name fields (optional number and organization fields)
it will works via t9-search options (see settings -> t9-search options)
there you can configure it to find:
.) multiple languages can be selected (see settings -> t9 search options -> language for t9-search)
.) sorting of the founded items sorted by degree of matching (see settings -> t9 search options -> sorted by degree of matching)
.) names, where the start chars must be correct - like: DCO -> will find "Dw COntacts & phone" (see the big letter)
.) names, where some words are skipped in search - like: DPH -> will find "Dw contacts & PHone" (see the big letter)
.) names, where the phrase is exactpart of name - like: NTA -> will find "dw coNTActs & phone" (see the big letter)
.) names, where the chars are anywhere - like: WTT -> will find "dW conTAcTs & phone" (see the big letter)
.) numbers, so it will search also for numbers - like: 456 -> will find "1234567890"
.) search also in organization

on tab "Contacts":
it is searching in contact name fields and also in number and organization fields)
it will works for name fields from start (so, not a part of a name will be found) and on number it will also find in a part of any number

on tab "Search":
it is searching in ALL CONTACT fields.
so it is possible to search also in notes for any information, also on part of a contact:
like: for a contact MicHAEl you can also search for "HAE", also possible to search for numbers ...
also possible to search for events (like birthday -> 1991 (would find all events from year 1991).

special search options (specially on tab "search")
space is the same as "+"
but how do you make NOT with a space ? - therfore it is new now: +-|
the search updating will be recalculated after every char input...real time ....
if you search for "JO" -> you will search for all "JO"
if you input jo+ ... nothing will happen, because you must enter also more input is the same as "JO"
if you imput then "JO+C" it will search for a contact, which is having: JO in 1 field AND in another one must be "C", there.
here again:
+ = AND
| = OR
" "(space = +
it also works:
jo + c
jo c
all are doing a asearch for "JO" and "C" in a field
the same is for - or |

cu camel

Re: different search engines

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:35 pm
by camel
kevin wrote:great information..nice written and define.which plays a important role in the modern society,You have done a great work.I really appreciate your effort.Thanks keep up the good work!
thanks, maybe you are having few ideas to make it better...
thx cu camel