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"Last contacted at" widget

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 7:05 am
by Robbit
Hi dwp,

the new widget "last contacted at ..." widget is a neat thing! Thank you for that. But it has two bugs:
  • It doesn't show when I had the last contact to that actual person, but to that very number. Means: When my mother have called me last week with her mobile, yesterday from her landline, and today she is calling me from her mobile again, the widget tells me, that the most recent call was one week ago, disregarding the landline call only one day ago. In other words: the widget should consider all numbers assigned to one contact.
  • The widget shows the last calling attempt, no matter if this was successful or not. It should show the time since the last actual successful phone call, when both were actually talking to each other (or at least the answering machine was picking up).
Thanks and bye :)

Re: "Last contacted at" widget

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:25 am
by dwp
Thank you for your suggestion.
I will improve it in the next version.