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Moving contacts to a group in a different account

Posted: Thu May 16, 2019 9:00 pm
by mekineer
Feature requests:

1) Ability to move contacts between two accounts, from one group to another. Currently, DW creates a new group in the same account, which makes more work for me in trying to clean up what I don't want.

2) Please disable the ability to delete system groups, like “my contacts”, if there is the possibility of contacts being deleted. I lost some contacts trying to add them to a new group. I'm not sure how it happened, because I was doing many things in succession, trying to organize the contacts.

3) Please separate DW contacts and DW dialer, to reduce the complexity of the app. Or have them be addons that can be enabled/disabled in the main app (disable would also hide all relevant menu items). I realize that Google created more restrictions now (read your blog post), but maybe there is a way.

Re: Moving contacts to a group in a different account

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 7:01 am
by devin
thanks for your suggestion.